Saturday 16 January 2016

And just like that

This little space on the internet gets easily forgotten.  Life is busy, there is always something else to do.
Almost another year has past between posts.
Well, the peacock is still Fly.
The barbells still being raised at Cross fit training.
I've learnt to be more flexible through my journey into being a Yoga teacher.

Sunday 16 March 2014

QR Codes

So I was wondering if people actually use these things?

That should take you to

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Latest news from Fly Peacock Clothing

That last post about my business Fly Peacock Clothing, well we had a pretty awesome announcement over the weekend.
My business partner has been working away down in Sydney since November and a few weeks ago we secured a location.  Some work was done, and some more work was done, we flew our friend down and more work was done.
So on Saturday the 8th of March 2014 we opened the doors to our very first bricks and mortar Pop-up shop.  Located at 26 Grose St. Glebe Sydney.  Open from Tuesday to Saturday during the hours of 11am - 6pm you can find our fantastic gear for sale and to try on.
Remember the name, Fly Peacock Clothing, for some unique t-shirts, singlets, shorts and other things.
You can see some of our stuff here 
That's my bro sporting a pair of our shorts.

Monday 17 February 2014

My Biz when I'm not Crossfitting or eating

So as I've mentioned previously I started a business last year, it's been moving along nicely.

So I sell t-shirts like the one I'm pictured wearing above.
The webstore is
We have unique stuff, some bright gear and some great prices.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Just found da bomb

I just stumbled upon this fantastic blog! saw a recipe on pinterest.
Frikken hilarious - it's like EpicMealTime but without the Bacon and other nonsense.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Time passes by

OMG!!! I haven't posted anything here since April!
Now let me think back...... what would have made it so I didn't have time to post on my blog?
I know! that's when Fly Peacock Clothing started to turn over!
The important things first though.
CrossFit, it's still happening, I'm happily training three times per week (it's winter, well it was winter) so there, I was able to brave the 5:30am starts all through winter though!
Of course there will be CrossFit accomplishments like a recent split jerk pb of 97.5kg.

Time - it just passes by

I don't know how the time just goes by, seriously WTF!
Has life gotten so busy? it must have.
Since April, what has happened?
Fly Peacock Clothing launched into the market place, namely launching at The Village Markets here on the Gold Coast in Burleigh. That was in May 2013.
The biggest thing to happen in 2013 is that my daughter was born on the 13th of November 2013.  Seriously she is the cutest little thing ever!
Life goes on, still Crossfitting, still Fly Peacocking, and still the dad to the cutest little cherub I know.

So 2014 is booming along.
Stay tuned.